Page 17 - A Name You Can Trust
P. 17

A Name You Can Trust!   9

                              earth: for the first heaven and the first earth were
                              passed away; and there was no more sea.”

                                 Can you think of anything  that  you need that God
                              doesn’t already have? How much of what you need does
                              God have? To whom should you turn for the answer to

                              your need?

                              Psalm 24:1 - “The earth is the Lord’s and the fulness
                              thereof; the world, and they that dwell therein.”

                                 It is all His! The truth don’t have a need for

                              which He does not have a supply. You will never
                              exhaust His supply. You should go to God first! Do you
                              see how our focus keeps coming back to God? In fact -
                              there’s not a person who would disagree that God is all
                              you need and that God has all you need. But here is the

                              real challenge of  complete trust in the life of the

                                    HE IS DOING ALL YOU NEED DONE...NOW

                                 Many people don’t believe that. Many ask - “If He is
                              doing all I need done...Now - then why do I still have
                              needs?” Because you don’t need them done - now - you
                              have a bigger need. He’s doing all you need

                              - but will address the other needs in your life when He
                              sees appropriate. How can you say that? It’s found  in
                              the name - Elohim.

                                 You see, Elohim has two root words. El  -  making
                              something strong (He’s the strong One). Ohim - making
                              a covenant or pledge. In other words, He will make
                              something strong or secure by a pledge.
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