Page 15 - A Name You Can Trust
P. 15

A Name You Can Trust!   7

                              buried; and three  days later rose from the grave a

                              victor over sin - death -  hell -  Satan - and the grave.
                              Therefore, we need a Resident - the Holy Spirit of God
                              who comes to live in the heart of the believer.
                                 He is  all I need! If you will practice this principle
                              concerning any  trouble that you  may suffer from

                              regarding a person, a problem, a conflict, a circum-
                              stance,  then you  can experience a  spiritual freedom
                              that you may have long been searching for in your life.

                                 God - Elohim - is all you need! Here is what you will
                              do. You will take whatever troubles you have to Him -
                              Elohim  -  first, and stay there until  He instructs you
                                 You’ll take  it  to Him! I  know that  may seem very

                              difficult at first, because our human  nature says, “I’ll
                              take care of it! I’ll work it out! I’ll do whatever I have to
                              do to solve my problems!” However, that is not meeting

                              God as Elohim.
                                 Elohim embodies all  the traits necessary to meet
                              every physical, spiritual, and emotional need that you
                              may have. Elohim is all you need! Whatever you do with
                              whatever troubles you - you will find the answer faster

                              if you will go to Him and stay there  until He instructs
                              you otherwise - than you will in any other fashion.

                                                 HE HAS ALL YOU NEED

                                 Look again at:

                              Genesis 1:1 - “In the beginning God (Elohim) created
                              the heaven and the earth.”

                                 God is Master over everything He creates. God has
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