Page 12 - A Name You Can Trust
P. 12

4   Your First Impression of God...Elohim

                          the lives of people you meet.

                              If people see that you honor the Lord Jesus in your
                          life  -  then the first impression will have a powerful
                          impact in that person’s life. However, if there is a
                          question as  to the  commitment you have to the living
                          God  -  that,  too, will make a mark for the cause of

                              We must have an optimistic attitude when it comes
                          to God. In fact  -  someone asked me  -  “Why are  you

                          always so optimistic?” My answer was very simple. “You
                          can’t really know God and be pessimistic!” I believe I
                          am optimistic because very early in my life I met God
                          as Elohim. I have never gotten over that meeting.
                              I don’t know what you are facing  in  your personal

                          life. It may be problems in your home, problems with
                          your health, problems on the job, problems with your
                          finances, or problems with your future. But I will  tell

                          you this.  If you  will  meet God as Elohim  -  it will
                          radically, revolutionize your whole attitude toward those
                          issues you face.

                          Genesis 1:1 - “In the beginning God created the heaven
                          and the earth.”
                              This  is the  first impression of God. Now He could

                          have used any one of over 700 names, but He chooses
                          this name for your first impression.
                              So what are the lasting impressions He wants to

                          leave upon our hearts by introducing Himself as Elohim?
                              Here are the lasting impressions  that He wants to
                          engrave on your heart as you look at every problem...
                          every person...every purpose in your life.
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